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Social media in Ghana: 6 reasons why you need a break

How many social media platforms are you on? How many of them do you engage others on more often? Is it a beneficial use of your time and resources? Has it made you a better person in any way? With regards to social media in Ghana, the most popular apps are Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, WhatsApp, Snapchat, TikTok, Telegram and of course, bloggingI know you may have a business account there, but what good is it when your mental health is at stake; you mess up. Oh, you work well under pressure, try it, let’s see how that goes.

What is Social Media?

Social media in Ghana

It is basically an electronic or virtual means of communicating with a person or people through sending texts, and sharing pictures, videos and documents. This provides a greater platform for networking anywhere around the world. We get ideas, build on them and work together to solve some of man’s most threatening situations like natural disasters, pandemics or planning other activities like weddings, birthday parties, reunions, etc.

That’s so cool, isn’t it? Only when you have smart devices like phones, computers, tablets, air pod devices, Bluetooth and so on.

Do you even remember what life was without social media?

Some of us were probably born not long ago when we already had many social media apps.

How long should you stay off social media in Ghana?

It depends on what you intend to achieve at the end of the day. You could go off after working hours, on weekends or for months or even years. Oh, I mean social media communication apps, not the internet in general.

Social media is what you make of it. Sign on or not, it’s your decision. Post personal or private stuff, your choice, add or follow people, that’s totally up to you. However, we all like to see nice things. We’re curious about what’s going on in someone else’s life, especially a friend you lost touch with after school. That’s okay, but how far is too far?

Benefits of taking a break from social media in Ghana

  1. Addictive

If you want to know if you’re addicted to social media, you can try out this experiment. Go off the app you’re mostly on, for about a week. If you’re able to do it, it’s a good sign. You realize how much free time you have, to think, sleep and do nothing.

  1. Privacy issues

Nothing really is private. Hackers can easily get your personal info, but it’s your choice whether or not to stay. Nothing is really nothing, really.  LOL. People post nude pictures and videos and delete them, but, they may not actually be deleted, and in a world where photoshop skills are abundant, anything is likely to happen.

  1. Superficial relationships

Some people on dates are no longer present in the moment because they’re busy on their phones. You don’t know from anywhere, probably have their profiles made up. No real bonding, when you need someone by your side. People usually commit suicide after hinting to social media fans that they’re depressed and no one actually cares, except for typing, “sending hugs and kisses, everything will be alright, have hope” and a couple of likes. Isn’t Facebook, Instagram and Twitter meant to be an extension of your friendship and create meaningful networks?

  1. Comparing your life with others less

Pictures are staged, and so are videos. People usually post their victories, without mentioning how hard it was to get there and how they managed to survive. If there are people like that, it’s not worth following them. You’re going to think your life sucks! I recommend following real people like Uncle Ebo Whyte, Dzifa Dzigbordi, Gifty Anti, @emmanuellawrites on IG and of course Paige Writers Ghana blog. It’s not easy to expose your vulnerability by sharing your struggles to encourage others.

  1. Drastically reduce impulse buying

What social media in Ghana can make people do! Many people own the latest gadgets, yet have no roof over their heads; have cars, but are unemployed; students, yet live in pimped-up rooms. Guys, let’s reduce the ordering. That they’re nice doesn’t mean you should buy them.

Concentrate on the people and things that matter more. I read, in “The 5 am Club” by Robin Sharma, the 30- day rule. If you must buy something you know is not an urgent need, wait 30 days and then decide whether you still need it. There will be better products, designs or services that could be better in the near future. The world is dynamic.

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  1. Reduce productivity

Prioritizing your tasks helps reduce stress, so you don’t try doing many things at once but achieve nothing in the end. Reduce the stress of arguing about frivolous posts. Many people even curse and verbally abuse others on social media, and they could manifest in real life.

Errmm, I confess, sometimes to force me into the writing mood, I go on social media. I just surf, watch videos and stuff, an idea could drop, or not. Hahahahaha. On a more serious note, find other ways to make valuable use of the time. Take a walk, call a friend or text via SMS. Calling hits differently. You can tell the tone, mood and generally the emotions of people.

READ ALSO: 11 things you may regret as a Ghanaian by the age of 60

What you can do when you’re off social media in Ghana

writing, our home

  1. Hang out with family and friends.
  2. Go the extra mile to call people.
  3. Take a walk to reflect.
  4. Get enough rest.
  5. Go on a short vacation. Delete or temporarily disable apps that you hardly use.
  6. Write that book, paint, sing, do what you love, outside of social media.

READ ALSO: Medical benefits of taking a break from social media 

I won’t be surprised if social media in Africa makes more millions that any other continent on the planet. Services from telecommunication companies in Ghana are seemingly more expensive, yet we love surfing social media pages. If you think you need a break, then you do. Go for it, let’s reconnect right here.

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